Międzynarodowe spotkania brokerskie - ICTurkey 2019

2019-03-20 12:34:29
Serdecznie zapraszamy na międzynarodowe spotkania brokerskie ICT w Turcji

Szanowni Państwo,

serdeczniezapraszamy do uczestnictwa w międzynarodowych spotkaniach brokerskich z zakresu ICT w programie Horyzont 2020, które odbędą się 5 lipca 2019 roku.

Organizatorzy posiadają środki na opłacenie podróży oraz zakwaterowania osób z Europy, które chciałyby wystąpić podczas spotkania.

Szczegóły poniżej - oryginalna wiadomość w języku angielskim:

The event will target the calls of the Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) and Cross-cutting themes of H2020:

  • 5G
  • Next Generation Internet
  • Big Data and Applications
  • Digitising European Industry
  • Digital Transformation for Health Systems

We will bring together up to 300 participants from Europe and Turkey, coming from both research and industrial communities in the ICT domain. This will not only give you the unique opportunity to connect with Turkish and European researchers to discuss H2020 project ideas, but also get first-hand information about the upcoming H2020 ICT related calls.

This event will be an excellent platform to expand your network and create new partnerships for the upcoming calls.

Join this event, present your project ideas and discuss them with potential partners in face-to-face meetings!


What is even better, we have some funds available to cover travel and accommodation expenses for participants from Europe, who want to present their proposals ideas in one of our workshops!
The earlier you register and provide us with your idea, the better will be your chances for this travel fund. Just register on our website icturkey2019.b2match.io We will then get in touch with you for the detailed arrangements.

For more information please contact Mr. Kemal Onur Gungor, at K.Gungor@idi.ie

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