Oferty spotkań brokerage event


Poniżej znajdą Państwo listę spotkań typu: spotkania brokerskie (brokerage event), matchmaking, networking, business meetings, B2B meetings, zarówno w formie wirtualnej, jak i spotkań w rzeczywistości. Jest ona aktualizowana na bieżąco. Istnieje możliwość sfinansowania udziału w wybranych wydarzeniach dla pracowników PK w ramach funduszu "Zdobądź Horyzont". Szczegóły udziału znajdą Państwo w zakładce "Regulamin Funduszu".






1. SMIG2 - Security Mission Information & Innovation Group 2023 Brokerage Event 10 & 11.05.2023

Date: 10 May 2023 09:00 - 11 May 2023 17:00 CEST
Venue: Campus Condorcet - Centre de colloques, Place du Front Populaire, Aubervilliers, Paris

The SMI2G brokerage event gathers European-wide innovators and practitioners who are looking for further consortium partners by presenting game-changing ideas and novel technologies addressing the challenges of Horizon Europe’s Civil Security for Society 2023 Work Programme

The SMI2G brokerage event is organized by:  The EARTO Working Group Security and Defence research, the SEREN network, EOS, IMG-S, ECSO, CMINE and is supported by the Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche, Campus Condorcet and ENLETS

Registration: https://www.cmine.eu/events/107590/registration



2. Horizon Europe Health and SSH Brokerage Event; 05 June 2023, Paris, France

Kiedy: 05.06.2023; godz. 9:00-17:00

Gdzie: Paris, France

Location Campus Condorcet - Aubervilliers site - 8 Cr des Humanités, 93300 Aubervilliers

UWAGA: tylko stacjonarnie!! Limit: 150 osób!!!

Several topics from the Health Cluster Work Programme require the effective contribution of SSH disciplines and the involvement of SSH experts, institutions as well as the inclusion of relevant SSH expertise, in order to produce meaningful and significant effects enhancing the societal impact of the related research activities. A topic from Cluster 2 also requires expertise from the Health sector.

This international partnering event will give these two communities the chance to meet and help them to build their consortium for the upcoming 2024 calls.


Więcej, rejestracja: https://horizon-europe-health-ssh-brokerage.b2match.io/




ZAKOŃCZONE 2021-2023

1. Cluster Health Brokerage Event 2023-2024 and Mission Cancer

Date: Feb 10 - Apr 24, 2023

Location: On-line

The European action HNN3.0 together with the European Commssion, Enterprise Europe Network and NCP WideraNet is organizing the next Horizon Europe Brokerage Event on the 2023 Cluster 1 Health and Mission Cancer calls for proposals.



2. Horyzont Europa, „Szersze uczestnictwo i wzmacnianie Europejskiej Przestrzeni Badawczej” 2023 / 2024: Spotkanie informacyjne oraz Brokerage Event do projektów z obszaru Widening z podmiotami z Wielkiej Brytanii; 18.04.2023 r. (wtorek) godz. 13:00-16:00

Brytyjska organizacja  Innovate UK KTN, we współpracy z UK Research Office (UKRO), Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO) / UK Science & Innovation Network (SIN) i Horizon Europe National Contact Points z Wielkiej Brytanii,


Krajowy Punkt Kontaktowy PB UE (NCBR),

Rada ds. Badań Naukowych Litwy (LMT),

Estońska Rada ds. Badań

z przyjemnością zapraszają potencjalnych wnioskodawców do konkursów z obszaru: Szersze uczestnictwo i wzmacnianie Europejskiej Przestrzeni Badawczej (Widening participation and strengthening the European Research Area) na spotkanie informacyjne oraz Brokerage Event dotyczące budowania konsorcjów z jednostkami z Wielkiej Brytanii. Spotkanie w szczególności będzie dotyczyć nadchodzących konkursów Twinning.

Spotkanie odbędzie się 18 kwietnia 2023 r. od 13.00 do 16.00 CEST online.

Uczestnicy spotkania będą mieli okazję zaprezentować swoje pomysły na projekty podczas dedykowanej sesji pitchingowej (wzór „pitch presentation” zostanie wysłany tym uczestnikom, którzy zgłoszą podczas rejestracji zainteresowanie zaprezentowaniem swoich pomysłów projektowych, ale my już go tutaj załączamy: Pitch Presentation Template).

Uczestnicy zapoznają się też z wybranymi sfinansowanymi już projektami Teaming for Excellence i Twinning, i będą mieli okazję do nawiązania kontaktów i dyskusji oraz na spotkania 1-2-1 w celu tworzenia konsorcjów.

Brytyjskie, polskie, litewskie i estońskie zespoły Krajowych Punktów Kontaktowych oraz zespół ds.  KTN będą odpowiadać na wszelkie szczegółowe pytania uczestników.





3. INTERALPIN B2B Cooperation Platform 2023, 18.04.2023

Kiedy: 18.04.2023 - cooperation platform, brokerage event

19.04.2023-20.04.2023 - the trade fair INTERALPIN

Gdzie: Innsbruck, AUSTRIA

Więcej info: www.interalpin.at


The leading alpine inustry meets every two years in the heart of the Alps - Innsbruck - at the most popular trade fair in this branch, the Interalpin (www.interalpin.at). In the past years, international delegations from all over the world have visited the INTERALPIN trade fair. In 2023 international delegations from China, France, Iran, Italy, Japan, Canada, Kazakhstan, Korea, Morocco, Romania and Türkiye are expected. The Austrian Federal Economic Chamber together with Enterprise Europe Network partners will make use of this international attendance and offer an exclusive B2B networking plattform in the fraimwork of the trade fair. The trade fair INTERALPIN, where this networking platform is usually organised, will be held again on 19-21 April 2023. The networking event will be held a day before the trade fair. At this networking event, the organisers want to give Austrian experts in the alpine industry the opportunity to present their new products, innovations and know-how in alpine winter as well as summer tourism in online meetings to international trade professionals.


4. CBE JU Info Day 2023; Partnerstwo CBE JU: dzień informacyjny i networking – konkurs 2023

Gdzie: Bruksela

Kiedy: 20.04.2023

Organizator: CBE JU

W związku z publikacją tematów na projekty w partnerstwie  CBE JU – obszar biogospodarka i GOZ w konkursie 2023, już teraz CBE JU zaprasza na spotkanie do Brukseli na dzień informacyjny i networking. Wydarzenie odbędzie się 20 kwietnia 2023, a link do rejestracji będzie podany w późniejszym terminie.

Szczegóły, rejestracja na stronie wydarzenia: https://www.cbe.europa.eu/events/cbe-ju-info-day-2023

5. EEN Matchmaking - JECworld 2023, 25.04.-04.05.2023

Kiedy: 25.04.-04.05.2023

Gdzie: Paris Nord Villepinte Exhibition Centre, Paryż FRANCJA

Więcej, rejestracja: https://een-matchmaking-jecworld-2023.b2match.io/

In addition, a small and targeted Matchmaking Event will be organised at the stand during the fair. The Matchmaking addresses SMEs, universities and research centres and further stakeholder from the materials sector, who are interested in finding new partners for transnational cooperations. It focusses on the whole field of composites: raw materials, processing technologies, tools, machines, manufacturing of parts, testing etc

Visits of EEN-company missions or individual EEN clients are welcome at the Joint Stand Bayern Innovativ / EEN.

The participation at the Matchmaking is free of charge, a registration necessary. The Matchmaking will be take place in hybrid format - onsite in Paris from 25-27 April and online from 3-4 May 2023.

Topics addressed

  • Fibres
  • Composites Material
  • Plastics
  • Polymers
  • Carbon
  • Glass

Physical meetings will take place in the venue of the JEC show on April, 25th- 27th in Paris.

Online meetings will take place on May, 3rd-4th.

6. Vaasa Energy Week 2023 Matchmaking, 21.03.2023-24.03.2023

Kiedy: 21.03.2023-24.03.2023

Gdzie: Vaasa Finlandia

Energy Week Matchmaking is one of the events of the week, organized on Tuesday 21st - Friday 24th of March 2023. The matchmaking is targeted to companies and experts working in the fields of energy, in particular wind, renewable, smart, gas and energy storage. All the interested participants in the Energy Week events can participate to the matcmaking event. The matchmaking event allowes the participants to meet face-to-face and start more targeted discussion about the potential cooperation.

The webpage of the event and the program you can find here:




7. International matchmaking event on cross-over innovation in healthcare "HealthTech Summit", 22.03.2023-24.03.2023

Kiedy: 22.03.2023-24.03.2023

Gdzie: Leuven, Belgia

Rejestracja: https://healthtechsummit2023.b2match.io/

Forma: 23.03. conference and on-site matchmaking; 22.03-24.03 Online matchmaking

Welcome to the fifth edition of the global conference on cross-over innovation in healthcare. Previously known as Life on Chip, the HealthTech Summit brings together national and international experts and VCs in medtech, biotech, digital health and patient care to examine the current state and the future of collaborative innovation.


8. InnoElectro 2023 Expo with hybrid B2B forum, 27.03.-31.03.2023

Kiedy: 27.03.-31.03.2023

Gdzie: Budapest, HUNGARY

Info: https://hepa.hu/hu

Welcome to InnoElectro 2023 Expo with hybrid B2B forum Enterprise Europe Network, Hungarian Export Promotion Agency and National Electronics Society of Hungary (MELT) are pleased to invite you to participate in the InnoElectro Expo with hybrid B2B forum. This business matchmaking service brings together companies (buyers as well as suppliers) from a large number of countries at InnoElectro Expo.

Initiating and arranging promising pre-scheduled 1:1 meetings in person at the event on 28 March, but also online before and after that.
Meetings will take place ONLINE and ON-SITE in the Business Matchmaking Zone at MOM Sportközpont in Budapest, the InnoElectro venue, technically supported by matchmaking platform.

This is a unique opportunity to generate new business contacts and contracts in an EU event! Register now for free!
InnoElectro is a significant regional tech event for corporates and SMEs. InnoElectro offers an established business and professional forum to every company who are involved in creation and manufacturing of electronics-based solutions, let it be design houses, research centres, manufacturers, retailers, distributors, training centres, or any other kind of institution or organization.

The expo focuses on the following subsectors:
Electronic components
Production equipment and materials
- IoT, 5G
- Robotics
- Medical electronics
- Space technology
- Security and AI

Note: registration is free of charge for online and onsite B2B event

Further information is available here: https://innoelectro.com/en/

If you have question regarding the matchmaking,
please turn to our colleague, Zsolt Horvath: zsolt.horvath@hepa.hu


9. The ECCCH (European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage) Information and Matchmaking event, 28.03.2023

ECCCH - Europejska Chmura Współpracy na rzecz Dziedzictwa Kulturowego

Kiedy: 28 marca 2023; godz. 10:00

This event is your chance to learn about the European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage (ECCCH) and the funding opportunities it offers.
Why participate in the event?

In the morning session, follow the presentation on the ECCCH topics proposed for 2023 under the Work Programme 2023-2024 of Horizon Europe Cluster 2. Learn all about this ground-breaking funding opportunity, get the latest information from the European Commission regarding applicant expectations, and have the chance to ask your questions.

The afternoon session is all about networking! Meet and connect with other prospective applicants, identify possible partners to facilitate forming strong project consortia and share ideas and brainstorm potential projects. Register in advance for the afternoon matchmaking event, so that you could be invited to online meetings in the topic

Register until 31.03.2023: https://cluster-2-brokerage-event.b2match.io/



10. Railways Brokerage Event - SIFER B2B Meetings 2023, 29.03.-30.03.2023

Kiedy: 29.03.-30.03.2023

Gdzie: Lille, France

The i-Trans competitiveness cluster and the Enterprise Europe Network organize a brokerage event in rail industry during SIFER 2023, France’s only exhibition dedicated exclusively to the rail market.

This event will be held the 29 March and 30 March morning in the Lille Grand Palais, during the 13th international railway exhibition in Lille, located at the north of France.

This matchmaking event is a unique platform for small and medium sized enterprises, start-ups and larger companies as well as research institutes to find new business partners, initiate cross border co-operations and share innovative technologies in an efficient way.

Relevant topics
- Passenger and freight rolling stock
- Track and infrastructure
- Onboard comfort
- Fare collection technology and products
- Passenger information
- Signaling and train control systems and equipment

Więcej info: https://sifer-b2b-meetings-2023-international.b2match.io/

11. Clean Aviation and Hydrogen Energy Info Day and Brokerage Event, 24.02.2023-04.03.2023

Kiedy: 24.02.2023-04.03.2023 r. [24.02. - Info Day, 24.02.-04.03 - Brokerage Event]

Gdzie: Stambuł, Turcja

Orta, Üniversite Cd. SUNUM No:27, 34956 Tuzla

More information: https://ufukavrupa.org.tr/en/news/clean-aviation-and-hydrogen-energy-info-day-and-brokerage-event



12. XXVI International water and environment exhibition. SMAGUA 2023 - Brokerage Event

Kiedy: 06-07.03.2023

Miejsce: Saragossa [Zaragoza], Hiszpania

The aim to promote business cooperation activities among Enterprise Europe Network partners to facilitate business, technology and research agreements by implementing matchmaking events.

The sectors are:
- Collection, transport and storage
- Water treatment and reuse
- Instrumentation, analysis and automotion.
- Engineering and sevice companies
- Energy environment
- Point of use
- Irrigation
- Waste treament and management
- Street cleaning and maintenance
- Energy recovery and solid materials
- Remediation of contaminated soils
- Air pollution and gas purification
- Analytical technology and laboratories
- Other equipment



13. MEGRA 2023, Slovenia, Meet4Business International matchmaking event, 09.03-10.03.2023

Kiedy: 09.03-10.03.2023

Forma: hybrydowa

Gdzie: Gornja Radgona, SLOVENIA [Regional Development Agency Podravje-Maribor]

The matchmaking event aims to initiate business and technology co-operations by offering pre-arranged meetings. The basis for the meetings is an online catalogue containing all competence profiles of each participant.

Target audience: Companies, universities, clusters, producers and others from next sectors:

• March 9th 2023, 12.30-17.00: B2B event (on the fair)
• March 10th 2023, 10.00-12.00: Virtual thematic lectures
• March 10th 2022, 12.30-17.00: virtual B2B event

• March 3th 2023: Registration and submission of a cooperation profile
• March 3th 2023: Choose interesting profiles and book your b2b meeting
• March 8th - 9th 2023: "Meet4Business Matchmaking Event Megra 2023


Rejestracja, więcej info: https://megra2023.talkb2b.net/


14. Matchmaking at sTARTUp Day 2023, 15.03-17.03.2023

Kiedy: 15.03-17.03.2023

Gdzie: Tartu, Estonia

Forma: Brokerage event

sTARTUp Day is the biggest business festival in the Baltics with 4000+ participants (forecast). Therefore, it's the best place to gather insight into the local startup and business scene, meet founders and get behind-the-scenes stories from world-class speakers.

sTARTUp Day 2023 is a three-day business festival with a marvelous stage program, effective matchmaking, hands-on seminars, a demo area full of innovation, and vibrant side events. The inspirational-educational program consists of various topics – from mental health to space tech, founder stories to aviation, and deeptech to the creative economy.

To make meeting the right contacts from a sea of people easier, sTARTUp Day uses Brella's AI-powered matchmaking. Here, you can connect with startups, investors, executives, speakers, and visitors who match your profile. Whether you just want to chat, find an investment, recruit talented people, or sell a service – this is the place to do so!

They're also our all-in-one virtual conference platform, so everything is in one place. No need to worry about swapping platforms between watching streams and organizing meetings.


Day 0 (Wednesday, March 15th) - program starts late aftrernoon with side events all around the city (workshops and networking parties).

Day 1 (Thursday, March 16th) - Inspirational talks, startup pitching, matchmaking and networking.

Day 2 (Thursday, March 16th) - Inspirational talks, startup pitching, matchmaking and networking. Pitching Awards Ceremony.

Więcej: https://www.startupday.ee/


15. Horizon Europe Cluster 5: Climate, Energy & Mobility 2023-2024 Calls - Virtual Brokerage Event, 16-17.02.2023, Istanbul, Turkey

Lokalizacja: Turcja, Stambuł + on-line

Kiedy: 16-17.02.2023

Within the scope of the EC Horizon Europe Work Programme, Istanbul Project Academy is organizing a networking and brokerage event - focusing on the 2023-2024 calls for proposals from the Work Programme of "Cluster 5: Climate, Energy and Mobility" jointly supported by Enterprise Europe Network and Istanbul Chamber of Industry.

Virtual Brokerage Event, February 16th&17th:

Pitching session from 11:30 to 15.30

Bilateral meetings from 15:30 to 19:00

Registration deadline: 15th February

Meeting request deadline: 15th February

Pitching agenda will be shared the following days.

Więcej info: https://brokerage-event-focusing-on-cl5.b2match.io/home


16. Horizon Europe Brokerage Event: Cluster 4 Space Calls 2023 & 2024, 02.02.2023

Kiedy: 02.02.2023

Gdzie: Ireland + online

Organizator:Enterprose Europe Network


The Enterprise Europe Network, in partnership with the Horizon Europe Cluster 4 Space National Contract Points (NCPs), invites you to participate in an international partnering event on Horizon Europe's space calls.

This is a free 2.5 hours virtual event that will introduce the Cluster 4 space calls for proposals for the next two years, present insights and expectations from the European Commission whilst offering a unique international networking experience to forge the winning partnerships of the future.

The programme will include presentations from the European Commission and National Contact Points in all areas of Space and will provide a unique opportunity to pitch ideas and expertise in front of leading research organisations and cutting-edge innovators from across industry.

The virtual brokerage event will allow you to extend your international network and create strategic partnerships through scheduled one-to-one meetings. Participants will also have the opportunity to meet with National Contact Point experts, and the Enterprise Europe Network.

The event is open to SMEs, larger companies and research organisations based on the Island of Ireland and across Europe.

Więcej info: https://www.esabic-turin.it/news-and-events/horizon-europe-brokerage-event-cluster-4-space-calls-2023-and-2024



17. Info day and Brokerage Event - AI, Data and Robotics Topics in WP2023, 03.02.2023

Gdzie: online

Kiedy: 03.02.2023 r.

Organizator: ADRA - the AI Data Robotics Associacion



Registration is free of charge but mandatory.


About the event
The event will be held online on Friday 3rd February from 9:30h to 13:00h CET.
During this online event, the European Commission will present the Horizon Europe calls open in 2023 that concern AI, Data and Robotics. There will be the opportunity to ask questions about the topics presented. Additionally, there will be a brokerage session, where you are invited to present a short pitch for a project idea, or specific expertise you can offer a consortium planning to prepare a proposal.

For those interested to participate in the pitch session, please indicate it in the registration form (you’ll be contacted separately for arranging the logistics). Places are limited and will be assigned on a first-come first-served basis.


18. ECS (Electronic Components and Systems) Brokerage 2023

Kiedy: 7-8.02.2023 (8:00-17:00)

Gdzie: Bruksela, Belgia

Opłata: brak opłaty dla członków organizacji (industry associations, and Public Authorities), pozostali - €250 z VAT

Rejestracja: https://ecscollaborationtool.eu/ecs-brokerage-event-2023.html

Więcej info: https://horizoneurope.ie/event/ecs-brokerage-2023


The ECS Brokerage Event combines the brokerage activities of the industry associations AENEAS, EPoSS and Inside into one networking event dedicated to project proposals in the field of Electronic Components and Systems.

This event facilitates the ECS communities and collects all project proposals and experts together, making it easier for the ECS research community to find and create information and project proposals.

Participation to the ECS Brokerage Event is free of charge for members of the industry associations and for Public Authorities.

For those who are not part of one of these communities, a hospitality package of €250 excluding VAT is to be paid in advance (non-refundable). For SMEs a reduced price of €125 excluding VAT applies.

This is an excellent networking opportunity for anyone targetting the 2023 KDT call.

19. EMMC Horizon Europe WP 2023 Consortium Brokerage Event

Gdzie: online

Kiedy: 23.01.202323.01.2023

Organizator: EMMC

We invite EMMC ASBL Organisational Members to the EMMC Horizon Europe WP 2023 Consortium Brokerage Event that will take place on 23rd January 2023 from 13:30 to 16:30 CEST.

Participants will have the opportunity to pitch proposal ideas on any call topic, as long as the topic and project idea contributes to the field of materials modelling and digitalisation.

Note that the event is exclusive to EMMC Organisational Members.

Więcej info: https://emmc.eu/events/emmc-horizon-europe-brokerage-event-jan-2023/


20. Cluster 2: "Culture, Creativity & Inclusive Society" Brokerage Event for Work Programme 2023

Gdzie: online

Kiedy: 18-19.01.2023

18.01.2023 - 10:00-17:00

19.01.2023 - 10:00-13:00

Rejestracja: do 17.01.2023

Organizator: This event is organized by Net4Society, the international network of National Contact Points for Cluster 2 "Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society" in Horizon Europe.

Search, find and be found.

You are looking for additional partners for your already existing project consortium to apply for funding in Cluster 2?
You are interested in a specific Cluster 2 topic und would like to join forces with other partners to build up your consortium?

Więcej: https://cluster-2-brokerage-event.b2match.io/?_fumanNewsletterId=2077783:8cc069e90fcf630ba4c2c1ff72050a44

oraz: https://horizoneuropencpportal.eu/cluster-2


21. IHI Call 4 (IHI Call Days - call 4) – zdecentralizowane badania kliniczne. Spotkanie informacyjne i matchmaking

Gdzie: online

Kiedy: 18.01.2023

Rejestracja: platforma MarketPlace: https://ihi-call-days.ihi.b2match.io/components/25062?types=Marketplace%3A%3AProjectCooperation

Spotkanie informacyjne i matchmakingowe  dla tematu Patient-centric blood sample collection to enable decentralised clinical trials and improve access to healthcare konkursu dwuetapowego IHI JU.

Prezentacja tematu przez członków IHI JU (zarówno urzędników jak i przemysł, twórców tematu), po której będzie ok. godzinna sesja pytań i odpowiedzi. Każdy uczestnik może wziąć udział, zadać też każde pytanie, poprosić o wyjaśnienie swoich wątpliwości. Po tej sesji odbędzie się matchmaking. Rejestracja jest otwarta, profile napływają i gromadzone są – aż do zamknięcia konkursu na platformie matchmakingowej.

Planowane otwarcie konkursu 17 stycznia 2023r.

Więcej info: https://horizoneuropencpportal.eu/cluster-1


22. Horizon Europe info day - Cluster 1 "Health", 20.01.2023 r.

Gdzie: online

Kiedy: piątek 20.01.2023 r.; 09:30 - 17:30 CET

Rejestracja: do 16.01.2023r.; https://cluster-health-horizon-europe-brokerage2023.b2match.io/

Do you intend to prepare a proposal addressing a topic under the upcoming calls in Horizon Europe Cluster 1 or Mission Cancer?

The European action HNN3.0 together with the European Commssion, Enterprise Europe Network and NCP WideraNet is organizing the next Horizon Europe Brokerage Event on the 2023 Cluster 1 Health and Mission Cancer calls for proposals.

The event is free of charge but registration and profile activation are mandatory to attend the brokerage event. When registering, please, include at least one Project Cooperation in the Marketplace section with information on what expertise you are offering or you are looking for against the topic(s) of your interest.

Why participate

Get all information needed on the upcoming Horizon Europe calls in the Cluster Health Work Programme.
Meet potential partners from Europe and beyond and start building your consortium.

Target audience

Any applicant eligible to Horizon Europe calls: companies, universities, research and technology organizations, public sector, NGOs, hospitals, patients associations…

The event will be organized around 2 main sessions for you to maximize the impact of your attendance:
Pitching Session    09:30 - 11:30 CET   
Bilateral Meetings    12:30 - 17:30 CET


23. Dzień Informacyjny Horyzont Europa 2023, Warszawa 12.01.2023r.

Kiedy: 12.01.2023 (godz. 10.00-16.00)

Gdzie: Warszawa, Hotel Marriott

Treść: Nowe konkursy w programie Horyzont Europa, sesje tematyczne, networking, dyskusje.

Organizator: NCBR, DKPK

Nowy Rok to nowe wyzwania, ale i nowe możliwości. Dlatego już 12 stycznia 2023 r. zapraszamy Państwa na Dzień Informacyjny poświęcony konkursom i nowemu programowi pracy, na lata 2023-2024.
Wydarzenie odbędzie się stacjonarnie, w hotelu Marriott w Warszawie, tak żeby umożliwić Państwu networking, jakże cenny element formowania konsorcjum projektowego.

Podczas dnia informacyjnego dowiedzą się Państwo o nowościach w programie Horyzont Europa, będą mogli zapoznać się z historiami sukcesu naszych beneficjentów oraz spotkać się z naszymi ekspertami na dedykowanych sesjach tematycznych. Będziemy mówić m.in.  o tematach miejskich w Horyzoncie Europa, zagadnieniach dotyczących zdrowia, energii, klimatu, bezpieczeństwie i technologiach kosmicznych.

Agenda: https://www.kpk.gov.pl/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/ID2023_program_ver02.01.2023-v2.pdf

Rejestracja: https://www.kpk.gov.pl/wydarzenia/dzien-informacyjny-horyzont-europa-2023



24. Horizon Europe - ERA Brokerage Event 2023; December 19, 2022

Post event long-term registration and matchmaking: open until 17, February, 2023

Register here: https://horizon-widera2023.b2match.io/signup

Why participate?

Not to miss an outstanding ERA networking opportunity
Present your competencies and project ideas to potential partners.

This event is organised by NCP_WIDERA.NET, the transnational network of National Contact Points for Widening participation and strengthening the European Research Area under Horizon Europe.
NCP_WIDERA.NET is funded by Horizon Europe, the European Union's Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, under Grant Agreement 101055286.

More: https://horizon-widera2023.b2match.io/

25. Sustainable Economy in Horizon Europe. Intenational Networking&Matchmaking (INSE 2022)

Kiedy: 5-6 grudnia 2022

To międzynarodowe wydarzenie łączące ze sobą świat nauki i biznesu, organizowane w związku z Programem Ramowym Horyzont Europa. Jest to szansa na nawiązanie kontaktów oraz otrzymanie wsparcia w pozyskiwaniu dofinansowania w ramach Filara II programu HE – Globalne wyzwania i europejska konkurencyjność przemysłowa, w obszarze Klastra 4 – Technologie cyfrowe, przemysł i przestrzeń kosmiczna.

Podczas konferencji przybliżone zostaną m.in. tematy polityki Komisji Europejskiej, partnerstwa Processes4Planet, a także planowanych konkursów w Horyzoncie Europa. Wydarzenie jest również okazją do poznania potencjalnych partnerów oraz stworzenia konsorcjów. Do udziału w wydarzeniu zapraszamy przedstawicieli instytutów badawczych, uczelni wyższych, jednostek publicznych, dużych przedsiębiorstw, MŚP, start-upów, stowarzyszeń, fundacji, organizacji międzynarodowych chcących ubiegać się o dofinansowanie w ramach Horyzontu Europa.


Rejestracja: https://meepla.online/siec-badawcza-lukasiewicz/sustainable-economy-in-horizon-europe/lp


26. B2B Cooperation Platform Wood Construction 2022

Kiedy: 01 grudnia 2022

Gdzie: Innsbruck, Austria

Rejestracja: https://b2b-timber-construction-forum2022.b2match.io/

This networking event targets a wide spectrum of companies worldwide especially from central europe and representatives from public authorities in the sector of timber construction. Take advantage of the opportunity to hold B2B meetings with other participants, find business partners for your market entry abroad, exchange your know how, get to know new processes and products.

Main topics:
• Timber/wood construction & products
• Construction components & materials
• Engineering & planning, IT-Services
• Research & development
• Construction chemistry

Why participate?
•    To get to know several potential partners at one afternoon
•    To initiate future international business deals
•    To discuss new technologies and research projects

Registration and programme:
Participants of the matchmaking event will register on a dedicated website, where they will be able to promote their organisation and projects to generate interest from potential foreign partners. Interested companies will then be able to pre-arrange as many individual meetings of 20 minutes as possible over different time slots to maximise their attendance.

The participation at the B2B event is free of charge.

More information on the B2B event, registration and detailed programme can be found here: https://b2b-timber-construction-forum2022.b2match.io/



Kiedy: 29.11.2022-02.12.2022

Organizator: Universidad de Cadiz

The aim of this Brokerage Event is to provide participants with the opportunity to meet with companies (SMEs, large companies, start-ups,...), entrepreneurs, research organizations,  associations/clusters and public administrations active in research and technology on Blue Economy to discuss through bilateral meetings:
• Ideas for joint research projects
• Licensing, production and distribution agreements
• Opportunities for R&D funding
• Internationalization
• Transfer of Technology and exploitation of research results

Main topics and sectors involved
• Ports and port logistics
• Marine renewable energies
• Sustainability
• Shipbuilding and offshore
• Marine Resources
• Blue Tourism
• Open innovation

You can check the provisional program of activities in the following link:

Participation in the brokerage event is free of charge


28. EGT 2022 Energy, Environmental technology, Green transformation (Virtual edition)

Kiedy: 24-28 października 2022

Why participate?

As purchaser - find qualified European suppliers during effective one-to one meetings
As market/sales manager - find new European customers
As product developer - find partners to discuss new technology and innovative solutions
As a scientist - you will find research and development partners as well as inspiration for new research in the field of energy, environmental engineering, green transformation

How can you benefit from this event?

Publish and showcase your products, projects, services or business needs to event participants
Initiate and arrange promising pre-scheduled 1:1 meetings at the event
Generate fresh leads and meet new contacts in a time and cost-efficient way
Stay one step ahead of your competitors by being seen and visibly present at the event

The Top 5 objectives to make your stay a success:

Meet Partners and Customers
Discover New Products & Services
Prepare Purchases or Projects
Meet New Suppliers
Get Information about latest's trends

Rejestracja: https://egt2022.b2match.io/signup


29. "automotive.2022" - hybrid B2B-meetings, 5-6 July 2022

Forma: hybrydowa: online + spotkanie w Linz, Austria

Kiedy: 5-6 lipca 2022

The motto of automotive.2022 is "local, global and sustainable". The yearly conference of the Upper Austrian Automotive Cluster is taking place on 5 July in Linz and starts with workshops in the morning and continues with exciting keynotes and networking possibilities.

For the first time EEN is offering on-site B2B-meetings on 5 July for conference participants and additionally virtual B2B-meeting sessions on 6 July for everybody from the automotive branch interested in finding new international partners.

Organizator: Business Upper Austria


30. Matchmaking European Robotics Forum 2022; 28 June 2022

Brokerage Event

Gdzie: Rotterdam, Holandia

The ERF2022 is the most influential meeting of the robotics community in Europe and covers all aspects and current themes related to the field of robotics. Researchers, engineers, managers, and a growing number of entrepreneurs, businesspeople, and public funding officers from all over Europe come together to discuss technology push and market pull and how innovation in robotics and robotics-related AI can be accelerated.

The matchmaking will facilitate companies and knowledge institutions in the Robotic sector in gaining new business contacts:

Focus of ERF2022
•    Sustainable Science related to Climate change; How Robotics could impact climate change
•    Self-sustaining networks; Working  together to boost competitiveness, societal wellbeing and environmental aspects
•    How Sustainable integration of technology can lead to future proof adaptation and mitigation in society (ELS)
•    Sustainable education: How re-thinking engineering education, quality education and lifelong learning opportunities contribute to sustainable education

This matchmaking event is interested for organizations that seek potential collaboration partners that operate in the field of Robotics.

Strona wydarzenia: https://erf2022.eu/


31. Ukrainian Tech Info Day - 24 June 2022

This Info Session aimed at presenting the scope, objectives, purpose, expected results and impact of the call HORIZON-EIC-2022-UKRAINIANTECH-01.

The proposed action is expected to support the Ukrainian tech start-ups and SMEs with the following outcomes:

To ensure the business continuity of the Ukrainian tech start-ups and SMEs and their growth
The integration of Ukrainian start-ups and SMEs to the European Innovation Ecosystem
Raise awareness, knowledge and practical use of legal procedures for the integration of Ukrainian companies (start-ups and SMEs)  to the European market;
Promote best examples of successful tech Ukrainian start-ups and SMEs with global/European market coverage;
Support deep-tech Ukrainian companies (start-ups and SMEs), as well as founders, innovators and tech-workers to identify European market needs, set up new business or expand their existing ones.

Consortium comprising at least three independent legal entities established in different Member States or Associated Countries and at least one legal entity established in Ukraine can submit proposals for this call.

Więcej informacji: https://eic.ec.europa.eu/events/ukrainian-tech-info-day-24-june-2022-2022-06-24_en


32. Social Sciences and Humanities opportunities in Horizon Europe Cluster 6, 15-16 czerwca 2022.

This an event to facilitate the inclusion of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) experts in Horizon Europe Cluster 6 proposals. Cluster 6 is about Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment. Professionals working in Cluster 6 related areas will have an opportunity to offer project cooperation while SSH experts will offer their expertise.

Język: angielski

Forma: on-line

Opłata: free


33. IHI Kick-off and brokerage event, 14 June 2022, Brusellss, Belgium

Forma: hybrydowa = online + Hotel Le Plaza Bruksela, Belgia

Kiedy: 14 czerwca 2022r.; w godzinach 8:30-17:00

Rejestracja: https://ihi-calls-2022.b2match.io/ (darmowa ale obowiązkowa)

More info & agenda: https://ihi-calls-2022.b2match.io/

The Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) is launching its first calls for proposal in late June and it is time to start thinking about building partnerships at our kick-off and brokerage event.

Registration is now open for this one-day hybrid event, which will take place on 14 June 2022 at Hotel Le Plaza Brussels and online. Creating project proposals and building strong, effective consortia are at the core of the day. We aim to provide pertinent information; allow open and honest discussion as well as network building through face-to-face and virtual meetings.

In the first session, IHI will present the content of the calls and outline the rules for participation. Topics covered will be the research priorities of IHI, call conditions, and even specific opportunities for SMEs.

The second session is the moment for consortia building. In the room, there will be available timeslots to make short elevator pitches on your proposals.

Whether you are in the room or in a virtual environment, you will be able to book one-on-one meetings through an online platform with representatives who have an interest in the same topics. This is a great opportunity to have face-to-face or virtual project idea discussions and to find partners to build a strong consortium.

There will be coffee breaks and lots of time for questions and answers to get you rolling before the dedicated networking sessions.

Participation in the event will be free of charge!


34. EU Brokerage Event on Industrial KET in Horizon Europe

Kiedy: 10 listopada 2022

Gdzie: Strasbourg, France



From registration to the event, there will be regular e-mail updates explaining what you need to do next.


Set up a profile

Create a meaningful and strong profile which will raise your visibility to others on this platform. Make it clear and concise. Your profile should describe who you are, what you can offer potential partners and who you want to meet. A good profile will significantly generate more meetings. Please keep in mind that your profile will be live and visible even after the event.

Please note that your participation will be first validated by the organisers before being visible on the platform. You will receive a final confirmation after the validation of your profile.

More info: https://kets2022.b2match.io/page-4961

Registration (before 08.11.2022): https://kets2022.b2match.io/signup

35. Innovat&Match Brokerage Event & International Cluster-to-Cluster Meeting 2022, 8-9 June 2022

Two days of bilateral meetings between clusters, universities, research centres and companies, in the framework of R2B - Research to Business 2022, 17th edition of the International Exhibition on Industrial Research and Skills for Innovation - Emilia-Romagna Region.

Forma: on-line

Język: angielski

Organizator: ART-ER S. cons. p. a. Attractiveness Research Territory

Kiedy: 8-9 czerwca 2022

Rejestracja: https://innovatmatch-2022.b2match.io/signup


36. AUTOPROMOTEC Matchmaking Event 2022, May 25-27, 2022

Kiedy: 25-27 maja 2022

Gdzie: Bologna, Italy

Unioncamere Emilia-Romagna organizes the 5th edition of AUTOPROMOTEC Matchmaking Event in the framework of AUTOPROMOTEC 2022(http://www.autopromotec.com/en/home)  – International  Exhibition of Automotive Equipment and Aftermarket Products (Bologna, Italy, 25th - 28th May 2022).
AUTOPROMOTEC is the worldwide showcase in the automotive world, it attracts top class exhibitors in many areas and is the main intersection for all automotive aftermarkets.

Target Countries:

•    Italy
•    Poland
•    Belarus
•    Bulgaria
•    Czech Republic
•    Estonia
•    Latvia
•    Lithuania
•    Romania
•    Ukraine

Target group:
Companies, universities, institutes and other organisations from Automotive Manufacturing, Distribution and Repair sectors looking for commercial, technological or research partners.


Event webpage: https://events.b2match.com/events/autopromotec2022

32. Horizon Europe - EU Missions calls 2022 - Virtual brokerage event, 19 maja 2022 r.

Network of Horizon Europe National Contact Points, Bridge2HE, invites you to participate in the virtual networking event in order to find project partners for the forthcoming calls 2022 in Horizon Europe - Missions!

EU Missions are an additional part of the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme for 2021-2027 which tackle big societal challenges and aim to achieve ambitious goals in health, climate and the environment by 2030. This additional funding will bring the implementation of EU Missions one step forward, paving the way to delivering their full potential.

The main objective of the international brokerage event is to gather all the relevant stakeholders intending to apply for funding in the Horizon Europe - EU Missions calls. This event will help you to build your consortium for the upcoming 2022 calls of the Missions Work Programme, which will be open from May 2022 to September 2022.

Więcej info: https://ec.europa.eu/info/research-and-innovation/events/upcoming-events/horizon-europe-info-days/eu-missions_en


33. Matchmaking Event - Tech Industry 2022 Trade fair, 18-20 maja 2022

Forma: wirtualnie

Rejestracja: do 19 maja

FIT-4-NMP project kindly invites you to participate in the matchmaking event organized during the exhibition/trade fair "Tech Industry 2022". We encourage you to take the opportunity of b2b meetings with potential partners and join the Online virtual part of the event on May 18-19.

“Tech Industry 2022” is the most important industrial fair in the Baltic Region in the fields of mechanical engineering, metalworking, automation, electronics, electrical engineering, industrial supplies, tools and technologies.

The match-making event is organised by the Latvian Technological Center in collaboration with the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) and the FIT-4-NMP project.


Topics addressed:

  • Metal working & automotive
  • Manufacturing methods
  • Products and components
  • Materials & semi- finished products
  • Tools & fixtures - custom-made
  • Organisations & services
  • International R&D project applications

Why to participate?

  • As purchaser - find qualified European suppliers during effective one-to one meetings
  • As market/sales manager - find new European customers
  • As product developer - find partners to discuss new technology and innovative solutions
  • As project applicant to international (R&D, etc.) calls - find project partners and discuss project ideas

Strona wydarzenia oraz rejestracja: https://tech2022.b2match.io/


34. SMIG2G Brokerage Event - Secrity Mission Innovation & Innovtion Group, 16-17 maja 2002 r., Bruksela

Maison des Associations Internationales, Brussels
Rue Washington 40, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium

The SMI2G brokerage event gathers European-wide innovators and practitioners who are looking for further consortium partners by presenting game-changing ideas and novel technologies addressing the challenges of Horizon Europe’s Civil Security for Society 2022 Work Programme

The SMI2G brokerage event is organized by:  The EARTO Working Group Security and Defence research, the SEREN network, EOS, IMG-S, ECSO and is supported by ENLETS

Event webpage: https://www.cmine.eu/events/83839


35. EERA Horizon Europe Brokerage Event, 01.02.2022 r.

Gdzie: on-line

Organizator: European Energy Research Alliance

Strona wydarzenia: https://www.eera-set.eu/events/3091:eera-horizon-europe-brokerage-event.html

Following the good reception of the Horizon Europe brokerage event organized last year, EERA is organizing a new one dedicated to the Horizon Europe’s calls of 2022. The purpose of the event, targeting exclusively the EERA community, is to foster transversal collaboration with the aim of creating new and strengthening existing consortia.



36. 11th European Networking Event "Successful R & I in Europe 2022"

Kiedy: 17-18.02.2022 r.  (czw-pt)

Gdzie: Van der Valk Airporthotel, Düsseldorf (Niemcy)

Registration deadline is 10 February 2022. The deadline for submitting proposals in the call for presentations is 24 January 2022 (5:00pm).

Opłata: Conference fee: € 120 (€ 95 one day) per person including VAT.
Invoices are despatched before the event. Free participation for speakers in sessions 1 to 4.


The networking event is structured in parallel workshops focussing on seven topics:

  • Cluster 1: Health
  • Cluster 4: Digital (ICT)
  • Cluster 4: Industry (Materials)
  • Cluster 5: Energy
  • Cluster 5: Mobility
  • Cluster 6: Food & Bioeconomy
  • Innovative Procurement (PCP/PPI)

The event addresses especially universities and research institutes as well as small and medium-sized enterprises. Participants are invited to become involved in established and new technology networks between researchers, entrepreneurs and multipliers related to Horizon Europe.

Więcej informacji, rejestracja: https://horizont.zenit.de/en/events/successful-2022/


37. Long-term matchmaking - możliwość skorzystania w dolownym momencie do 27 stycznia 2022 z narzędzia on-line do przeprowadzania spontanicznych (niezaplanowanych) spotkań on-line.

The event focuses on following Horizon Europe – Cluster 6 calls:

  • Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
  • Fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly food systems from primary production to consumption
  • Circular economy and bioeconomy sectors
  • Clean environment and zero pollution
  • Land, ocean and water for climate action
  • Resilient, inclusive, healthy and green rural, coastal and urban communities
  • Innovative governance, environmental observations and digital solutions in support of the Green Deal

The event is free of charge but registration and profile activation is mandatory to attend the brokerage event. When registering fill in also at least one Marketplace Item (= Add project cooperation) with information what exactly you offer or request within the scope of the calls.

38. Horizon Europe Matchmaking Event on Digital and Emerging Technologies and Human-centred AI

Kiedy: 24 stycznia 2022 r. (pon), 9:30-13:30)

Forma: on-line

Agenda: pobierz

Rejestracja: zarejestruj

Wpisowe: brak opłaty

Więcej: https://www.sbra.be/en/horizon-europe-matchmaking-event-digital-and-emerging-technologies-and-human-centred-ai

Organizatorzy: Slovenian Business & Research Association, the European Office of Cyprus – Brussels Office, NCBR Office in Brussels – Business & Science Poland, Eötvös Loránd University, the National Research, Development, and Innovation Office in Hungary and the Lithuanian RDI Liaison Office in Brussels

The goal of the event is to build a platform for everyone to share their ideas and find partners for future consortia in Horizon Europe calls, with a particular focus on Cluster 4, under Digital related topics (Digital and emerging technologies for competitiveness and fit for green deal 2022; A human-centered and ethical development of digital and industrial technologies 2022 and other Digital related projects).

The deadline for registration and for the submission of pitch presentations is Wednesday, 19/01.

You can either register as an attendee (you will have opportunity to listen to the pitches) or as a pitch presenter (to make a 3-minute pitch on your ideas and potential). Please be aware that only 1 pitch presentation per institution will be allowed. As there is a limited number of pitch presentations places possible, the organisers reserve a right to select the presenters. Presenters will receive more detailed information about the expected structure and content of their pitches after their registration.


39. Horizon Europe Info Day, data 25 stycznia 2022 roku (wtorek)

Miejsce: on-line, platforma ZOOM

Organizator: Malta Council for Science and Technology

Rejestracja: formularz

Czas: 09:00-14:30

Wpisowe: brak opłaty

The Malta Council for Science and Technology are very pleased to invite you to the Horizon Europe Info Day on the 25th of January 2022. Event has been moved online, using Zoom, due to the COVID situation. This dedicated information session will introduce the EU’s key funding programme for research and innovation with a budget of €95.5 billion for the period between 2021 and 2027. The event will give an overview of the opportunities available  in Horizon Europe. It is also a very good opportunity to meet the National Contact Point for your area of interest. Agenda can be found here.


40. Health Tech Hub Styria Pitch & Partner 2022

Data: 27-28.01.2022 roku

Rejestracja: tu

Miejsce: on-line

Więcej: https://www.hth-styria.com/

Wpisowe: bez opłaty


Future Horizons: How do health and space tech go together?

This is only one of the many questions that will be discussed during this event.
Join the Space Session powered by ESA with Keynote and Experts' Panel, Corporate Call, Investor Pitching,B2B meetings and one of our inspiring Workshops!

Especially in times like this, building strong networks is more important than ever. This is why we aimed to offer the participants of this year's HTH Styria event access to many relevant players in technology transfer, academia/industry collaborations as well as early-stage innovations. We have seen, that fostering a European marketplace for pre-seed and seed investments in the health-tech and life sciences field can help to secure our future.

For whom?
Healthtech and biotech players like:

End users, hospitals, physicians etc.
E-health experts
Regional and national stakeholders

What can you expect in 2022?

Get inspired by exceptional keynotes
Present your project idea and/or company at our investor pitching
Get an overview of what's going on in the health-tech and biotech scene
Take part in a corporate call
Make promising contacts in pre-arranged meetings
A whole range of workshops

The participation is free of charge. The official language used at the event is English.


41. Horizon Europe - Cluster 5 calls 2022 - virtual brokerage event for the 2022 calls of the Horizon Europe Cluster 5: Climate, Energy and Mobility

Gdzie: On-line

Kiedy: 04.02.2022 r. (piątek)

Rejestracja: obowiązkowa

Opłata: brak

Więcej: https://he-cluster5-2022.b2match.io/

Thematic focus

The event focuses on following Horizon Europe – Cluster 5 calls 2022:

  • Climate sciences and responses
  • Cross-sectoral solutions for the climate transition
  • Sustainable, secure and competitive energy supply
  • Efficient, sustainable and inclusive energy use
  • Clean and competitive solutions for all transport modes
  • Safe, Resilient Transport and Smart Mobility services for passengers and goods

The event is free of charge but registration and profile activation are mandatory to attend the brokerage event. When registering, please, fill in at least one Marketplace Item with information on what expertise you want to offer or request within the scope of the calls.


42. Info and Brokerage event - "Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society" calls 2022 in Horizon Europe

Kiedy: 18 stycznia 2022 r.

Rejestracja: do piątku 14.01.2022 r.

Więcej: strona wydarzenia


On the 18th January 2022 Euresearch will organize an event focused on the "Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society" calls 2022 in Horizon Europe.

The event will be composed of two different parts:

I Part

Researchers will receive information on Horizon Europe programme and on the funding opportunities of the cluster "Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society" for 2022. A testimonial will share his experience in European projects.

Part II

The second part of the event will be dedicated to networking. Researchers will have the opportunity to pitch in 3 min to establish first contacts and network in view of a possible future proposal with the other participants.

Three break-out sessions based on the Destinations of "Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society" cluster will be organized (Each session is limited to 15 participants):

1) Innovative Research on Democracy and Governance

2) Innovative Research on the European Cultural Heritage and the Cultural and Creative Indutries

3) Innovative Research on Social and Economic Transformations

To register to the second part please complete the "pitch template" you will find in the official event page with your information and send it to clemence.roggo@euresearch.ch indicating the break-out session you want to attend before Friday 14 January 2022.


43. ECS Brokerage Event 2022

Kiedy: 18-19.01.2022 r. (wtorek-środa)

Gdzie: on-line

Info: https://horizoneurope.ie/event/ecs-brokerage-event-2022

Rejestracja: za pośrednictwem ECS Collaboration Tools

Opłata: € 40

Join us for the fourth edtion of this matchmaking event and take full advantage of the networking possibilities. Build your consortia and share project ideas. This virtual get-together is the perfect opportunity to collaborate and prepare for your proposals for the 2022 Xecs Call, KDT calls and other ECS related calls, for example Horizon Europe!

Pitch your idea
You can apply for a pre-recorded pitch presentation timeslot in the ECS Collaboration Tool until 03 January 2022. After your application, you will receive further information about how to record your virtual pitch.

Register directly
Participation in the ECS Brokerage Event is free of charge for members of the industry associations and for Public Authorities. For those who are not part of one of these communities, an entrance fee of € 40 ex. VAT is to be paid in advance (non-refundable).


44. Międzynarodowe spotkania brokerskie CLUSTER 2 - HORIZON EUROPE

Międzynarodowe spotkania brokerskie odbędą się następnego dnia – 8 grudnia – w formule online na dedykowanej platformie umożliwiającej umawianie i przeprowadzania bilateralnych spotkań online. Rejestracja na to wydarzenie jest już otwarta (https://horizoneurope-cluster2-2022brokerage.b2match.io/).

45. Brokerage event - Horizon Europe Health, 29.10.2021, godz. 10:00-17.30, piątek

Udział w wydarzeniu jest bezpłatny, ale wymagana jest rejestracja i utworzenie konta (wypełnienie profilu).

Niniejsze międzynarodowe wirtualne wydarzenie ma pomóc uczestnikom w organizowaniu konsorcjów do nadchodzących konkursów w ramach Horyzont Europa 2022:  na podstawie 2021-2022 Health Work Programme.

Więcej informacji na stronie poświęconej wydarzeniu: https://cluster-health-horizon-europe-brokerage.b2match.io/

46. Brokerage event with pre-arranged online Face2Face meetings complementing the first Horizon Europe event the Information Day on Cluster 4 - Digital, Industry & Space; rejestracja do 21.10.2021 roku

Ideal-ist, the network of National Contact Points for ICT research, in cooperation with the Enterprise Europe Network invites you to participate in a brokerage event with pre-arranged online Face2Face meetings complementing the first Horizon Europe event the Information Day on Cluster 4 - Digital, Industry & Space.

Więcej informacji: https://digital2021.ideal-ist.eu/

Darmowa rejestracja: https://digital2021.ideal-ist.eu/signup

47. Pharma, cosmetic and biotech brokerage event at Farmaforum 2021, 04 listopada 2021, MADRYD, HISZPANIA

Within the framework of the International Congress FARMAFORUM, COSMETICAFORUM, and HEALTH&RESEARCH FORUM 2021, Fundación madri+d para el Conocimiento organizes the 6th edition of Farmaforum International cooperation Day in Life Science to exchange information between possible technological partners, in the framework on the activities under Enterprise Europe Network.

Rejestracja: https://farmaforum2020.b2match.io/

The main objective of the event is to create a meeting forum for companies, research institutes, universities, and other organizations that are actively engaged within the field of Pharma, Biopharma, Cosmetic, Biotech, and Lab Technology. Participants may provide opportunities for collaboration and business based on technology, through aimed-to-agreement bilateral meetings.

Those entities which have been arranged meetings through the event tool will be able to participate in face-to-face sessions.

48. KosICT 2021 - 10th edition, Kosovo, Prizren

22-23 października 2021

Rejestracja: do 21.10.2021

Więcej informacji: https://kosict.com/

KosICT is a tech festival which held its first edition in 2011 with the aim of bridging the gap between the local and international ICT markets by highlighting and bringing the latest technological trends and developments to the Balkans, through local, regional and international experts who would share their experiences and knowledge with the audience comprised out of software developers, ICT enthusiasts and experts, C-level Executives, Academia Representatives and Students.

The upcoming 10th edition of KosICT Technology Festival will be held on the 22nd & 23rd of October, 2021 in ITP Prizren, Kosovo.

49. Konkursy Horyzont Europa 2022 – KE zaprasza na dni informacyjne i spotkania brokerskie

Komisja Europejska zaprasza na dni informacyjne dotyczące tematyki konkursowej w poszczególnych klastrach, a następnie na spotkania brokerskie, będące okazją do znalezienia partnerów projektowych.

Klaster 6 – Żywność, biogospodarka, zasoby naturalne, rolnictwo i środowisko

25/26 października 2021 – Dzień informacyjny
27 października 2021 – Spotkanie brokerskie

Klaster 1 – Zdrowie

28 października 2021 – Dzień informacyjny
29 października 2021 – Spotkanie brokerskie

Więcej info: https://www.kpk.gov.pl/konkursy-horyzont-europa-2022-ke-zaprasza-na-dni-informacyjne-i-spotkania-brokerskie


50. The EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) will take place on 25-29 October 2021 under the theme: ‘Towards 2030: Reshaping the European Energy System’.

The Policy Conference is the biggest European conference dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use in Europe. Once again, the Policy Conference will be organised in a digital format, under the theme ‘Towards 2030: Reshaping the European Energy System’.

Sessions organised by the European Commission and energy stakeholders will focus on sustainable energy issues, debate new policy developments, best practices and sustainable energy ideas. Alongside the conference, networking opportunities will gather the EUSEW Community online to forge alliances whilst the EUSEW Awards celebrate outstanding individuals, projects and ideas.

Program: https://www.eusew.eu/

Rejestracja: https://eusew.eu/registration

Networking: https://www.eusew.eu/about-networking

51. Cykl spotkań brokerskich przed pierwszymi konkursami w klastrach HEU.  W dniach 24 czerwca do 09 lipca 2021 r.


Zachęcamy do udziału w wirtualnych wydarzeniach brokerskich, które są doskonałą okazją do znalezienia potencjalnych partnerów do projektów przed zbliżającymi się konkursami w klastrach programu Horyzont Europa. Spotkania będą poprzedzone dniami informacyjnymi na temat poszczególnych klastrów.

Spotkanie brokerskie są okazją dla potencjalnych wnioskodawców do spotkania i omówienia pomysłów na wspólne projekty i budowania konsorcjów. Główną częścią wydarzeń będą bilateralne spotkania on-line z partnerami zainteresowanymi tymi samymi tematami w ramach konkursów 2021.

Po udanej rejestracji i przesłaniu wysokiej jakości profili współpracy, uczestnicy mogą wstępnie umówić się na spotkania dwustronne za pomocą narzędzia B2Match.

Więcej informacji po adresem: https://www.horizon-europe-infodays2021.eu/

Harmonogram wydarzeń w formacie PDF: https://www.horizon-europe-infodays2021.eu/system/files/2021-06/HE_Programme_03.pdf


52. Virtual Brokerage Event Horizon Europe Cluster 4 INDUSTRY, 22 czerwca 2021r. (wtorek)

Więcej informacji: https://events.b2match.com/events/cluster4industry


53. International Cluster-to-Cluster Meeting & Innovat&Match Brokerage Event, 15-17 czerwca 2021 r.

The event, now in its second online edition, focuses on 3 main topics:

- Digital transformation

- Green and blue growth

- Arts and culture resilience

Organised by ART-ER Attractiveness Research Territory in cooperation with the Emilia-Romagna Enterprise Europe Network partners of the SIMPLER Consortium: CNA Emilia-Romagna, Confindustria Emilia-Romagna, PROMOS ITALIA – Camera di Commercio di Ravenna e Unioncamere Emilia-Romagna.

Rejestracja i więcej informacji: https://innovatmatch-2021.b2match.io/

54. European Research and Innovation Days, 22-23 czerwca 2021 r.

European Research and Innovation Days is the European Commission’s annual flagship Research and Innovation event, bringing together policymakers, researchers, entrepreneurs and the public to debate and shape the future of research and innovation in Europe and beyond.

Więcej informacji: https://ec.europa.eu/research-and-innovation/en/events/upcoming-events/research-innovation-days


55.Security Research Event 2022, 1-2 marca 2022r.

SRE 2022 will gather around 800 participants representing a wide range of security stakeholders as well as a wide number of policy-makers from across Europe. The event will mark the first year after the launch of Horizon Europe, the new framework programme for research and innovation for which the first projects will be starting in the months following the SRE 2022.

Więcej - strona wydarzenia: https://www.sre2022.eu/

Rejestracja: https://www.sre2022.eu/en/register


56. The Climate, Energy & Mobility Info Day, 03 lutego 2022 r.

Gdzie: konferencja on-line

The primary goal of the Cluster 5 info days’ second edition is to present 74 open topics (including batteries, renewable energy, zero-emission road transport, aviation, and many more) of the Horizon Europe Cluster 5 2022 calls by way of a plenary and three parallel sessions with an emphasis on:

  • Promoting specific Cluster 5 topic calls and disseminating information about the Horizon Europe Cluster 5 Work Programme 2022 to stakeholders;
  • Providing advice on how to draft a good proposal and sharing the key lessons learnt from the first Horizon Europe evaluations;
  • Offering networking and matchmaking opportunities to prospective applicants to support the building of proposals’ consortia in a dedicated separate brokerage day

Strona wydarzenia: https://www.2zeroemission.eu/event/climate-energy-mobility-info-day/

Rejestracja: https://he-cluster5-2022.b2match.io/


57. Cluster 3 Horizon Europe. Civil Security for Society brokerage at SICUR 2022

Kiedy: 22-23.02.2022

Forma: hybrydowa

Strona wydarzenia: https://events.b2match.com/events/sicur2022

Organizator: FUNDACION PARA EL CONOCIMIENTO MADRI+D, International Fair of Security (SICUR)

The main objective of this Brokerage in the framework of SICUR is to create a meeting forum for organizations that are actively engaged within the field of Security (including Security, Cybersecurity, Fire, Emergency Security and Workplace Safety). Participants may provide opportunities for collaboration through pre-agreed bilateral meetings.


58. Clean Hydrogen Partnership Info Day 2022

Kiedy: 15 marca 2022 r., od 9:00-17:00

he Clean Hydrogen Partnership is launching its hydrogen research call for proposals – €300.5 million will be made available for proposed projects in an unprecedented drive to support the creation of cutting-edge hydrogen technologies.

On 15 March 2022, during the Info Day 2022, the Programme Office will introduce the various call topics and present the Clean Hydrogen JU rules and procedures to submit proposals.

Agenda spotkania: https://www.clean-hydrogen.europa.eu/system/files/2022-03/Draft%20Agenda%20Info%20Day%202022_0.pdf

Rejestracja: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/Info_Day_2022_Registration


59. Partnerships for Horizon Europe: smart cities & communities projects, 12-22 kwietnia 2004 r.

Gdzie: online

Koszt: free

Język: English

Strona wydarzenia: https://partnerships-for-horizon-europe-scc.b2match.io/


Are you interested in Horizon Europe calls related to smart cities and communities? are you building a consortium to present a proposal? are you searching for partners? Join this online event to have the opportunity to meet companies, research centres, universities, cities and other entities interested in presenting proposals to the Horizon Europe 2022 calls linked to the smart city topics. You will get the opportunity to expand your international network and create partnerships and consortiums. The first day (April 12) you will be able to hear about project proposals ideas being developed and competences and expertise aligned with the smart cities and communities topics to be approached within a proposal for Horizon Europe calls. From the April 13 to April 22, you will be able to organise, request and/or receive meetings to deepen the knowledge of other entities with the same research, development and innovation interests as you, and explore collaborations for this year and next years calls for proposals.

The event consists in 1 main presentation day and 1 week for organising online meetings, following this agenda:

April 12th: Plenary session, presentation of keynote speakers, cluster members presentations of project ideas and company competences.

April 13th - 22nd: Brokerage event (1:1 meetings)

April 21st: Panel of municipalities at 9:30 CEST

The event is free of charge but registration and profile activation is mandatory.


Register: https://partnerships-for-horizon-europe-scc.b2match.io/signup



60. Information & Brokerage Session. Horizon Europe Cloud-Edge-IoT Call 2022

Kiedy: 02 lutego 2022 r.. 9:30-12:30

Gdzie: On-line

Wpisowe: brak opłaty

Info, rejestracja: https://www.h-cloud.eu/event/horizon-europe-information-and-brokerage-session/?instance_id=128

Pitch registration will start on 11 January 2022. The registration deadline is on 31 January 2022 12:00 CET latest. The event organisers will validate and confirm your pitch slot by 1 February 2022 12:00 CET.

Who can participate: Representatives of companies, universities, research institutes SMEs, individuals interested in sharing new projects ideas and finding collaboration partners.

61. B2B Health Innovation Market 2022, 19-20 kwienia 2022 r.

Gdzie: Porto, Portugalia: On-line and On-Site event (Auditorium of faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto)

The Health Innovation Market 2022 will take place in the framework of the Portuguese Health Cluster’s Health Innovation Meetings debating "Hospitals as an innovation hub for health”. The topics covered will be: 1. Partners for development and testbed for health innovation 2. Final technology users 3. Suppliers of health data 4. Clinical trials 5. Partners in R&D projects 6. Pre-commercial procurement challenges The hybrid matchmaking event will take place on April 19th and 20th, as a parallel event to the Portugal Health Cluster conference that will be also bradcasted virtually.

Rejestracja: https://health-innovation-market-2022.b2match.io/signup


62.Speed Match International Networking Event 2022, 27-28 kwietnia 2022r.

Kiedy: 27-28.04.2022

Gdzie: online, Turcja Eskişehir

Opłata: brak

Speed Match International Networking Event 2022 will be organized on 27-28 April 2022. The event will focus on the aviation, railway and automotive sectors together. Thus, it is aimed that companies with similar production capabilities will establish cross-relationships and expand their business networks.

This event will provide large companies, SMEs, chambers, clusters, investors, public institution and associations with a unique opportunity to establish business and technology partnerships via pre-scheduled 1-1 meetings.

Focus points:

Aviation Industry
Engine parts manufacturing, structural parts, sheet metal forming, tool and jig manufacturing, precision turning, cable and wiring harness, special processes, surface treatment, assembly, integration, etc.

Railway Industry
Locomotive production, wagon and component manufacturing, cabin, bogie, diesel engine, brake system production, signalling solutions, power systems and cabling, accurate casting, precision machining, assembling, painting, coating, etc.

Automotive Supplier Industry
Manufacturing of trucks, light commercial vehicles, powertrains, engine and engine parts, shaft bodies, firefighting vehicles, rescue vehicles, car lifting jacks, vehicle door lock systems, trailer, trays, seat systems, rims, operator cabins, chassis, axle shaft, back gear shaft and automotive parts, etc.

Agenda: https://een.ec.europa.eu/tools/services/EVE/Event/DownloadAttachment?attachmentID=52183aee-2b2d-44bf-b232-b25d5837edcb

Website: https://eso.org.tr/


63. Brokerage Event Horizon Europe - Cluster 3: Meet & Exchange with Security End-Users; 26-27 kwietnia 2022 r.

Gdzie: Online

Opłata: free

Język: English

The objective of this event is to enhance cooperation amongst European security end-users (either law enforcement agencies, civil protection units, critical infrastructure operators, border and custom authorities, regional and/or local police forces and civil society organizations working in the field of security) to prepare a common ground for collaboration and potential proposals to be submitted for the Calls 2022 in Cluster 3. The event will also serve to open the door to newcomers, mainly end-users, who have never participated in the programme before.



64. Wind Energy International Matchmaking at WindEurope Bilbao 2022 April 6 - April 7, 2022 | Bilbao, Spain

Rejestracja: bez opłat; Link: https://windeurope-2022.b2match.io/signup

Język: angielski


Wind energy industry and decision-makers will come together at Bilbao, Basque Country on 5-7 April at the Bilbao Exhibition Centre (BEC), to discuss the latest news, developments, and successes of the sector. At WindEurope Annual Event 2022 in Bilbao, onshore and offshore wind topics will be tackled, with 350 + exhibitors from Europe and beyond. Within the framework of WindEurope Annual Event at Bilbao, SPRI-Basque Business Development Agency in collaboration with the Basque Energy Cluster, the ELBE alliance and the Enterprise Europe Network organize this international matchmaking event that will bring together companies, startups, clusters, associations, and research institutes from a large number of European and international countries. Register now and boost your business profile with the support of the Enterprise Europe Network!





mgr Dawid

mgr Dawid Gacek

tel.: +48 12 628 26 74
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