Partner search H2020
Horizon 2020 is focused on international and interdisciplinary cooperation. Most of the EU funded projects are cooperating projects with at least 3 organisations from different EU Member States or Associated Countries. It is very important to establish such a collaboration with other institutions before you start writing your application.
You can search for partners among your previous contacts or start to search the new one.
It is very important that the project partners:
- Are the best ones for the project
- Have experience which complement each other
- Have time to work for the project
So, are you looking for partners to join your project or do you want to offer your organisation as a partner?
The Regional Contact Point for Research Programmes of the EU in Małopolska and Podkarpacie Region has created the “Expression of interest for research cooperation in Horizon 2020” form.
This form allows all potential proposers interested in H2020 to promote their research background among to a scientific and business community. It gives a chance to describe organization’s expertise and research topics of interest.
You will find below the completed “Expression of interest” forms describing research teams and institutions from Małopolska and Podkarpacie Region which are willing to cooperate in possible project consortia. They have been divided into research fields.
In any further questions please contact with our team.